Metal Image Design

Metal Image Design

Monday, August 30, 2010

Bottle Tree

I'm rolling out a bottle tree design this fall based off of tubing and 3/8" HR rod. In my experimentation process I made this bottle tree out of some scrap tubing and re-rod I had laying around. This tree measures nearly 7' tall and 3' wide. Though not fully filled, this bottle tree can hold around 15 bottles. I think my final design will hold close to 20 bottles Amy and I aren't big wine connoisseur's, but there may be a few Founders, and New Holland Brewery bottles that crept onto the tree for the picture. I can't not confirm or deny. :) There are some very cool cobalt bottles that can be purchased over the net, or any other color for that matter to fill your bottle tree with. I like the the red and blue bordeaux, as well as the dead leaf burgundy bottles (yellow) at this site.

Along with the bottle tree idea, I will be creating a smaller, bottle tree bush -Nearly 1/3 the size. I will provide stakes with each design that allow you to stake it down when you place it in your yard or garden.

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