Metal Image Design

Metal Image Design

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Find yourself

Your peace and happiness lays just beneath the surface.  Sometimes the walk through the beginning of your life is blind.  You walk thinking you know where you are going, what your life is meant to be, and how it is going to end up.  At points, we all have gotten that rug pulled out from underneath us.   

It's at that point you see the light.  You find what has been locked up behind several doors and cloaked in darkness.  Happiness is the ability to find your freedom, to be alone and be perfectly happy with it, to find your passion that drives you each day.  Our lives are sometimes spent wandering.  When we find our compass it becomes clear as day.  What layed below the surface in darkness was made to be seen, like looking down through clear ice.  Find your happiness and you will find your peace.  

~Deep thoughts with Joshua Russell

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Home Studio

There's something about your childhood home that brings back the best memories.  I sit here listening to the birds and the frogs in the creek below and I am at peace.  
I moved my studio into the old barn at my mom's house last fall.  I'm continuing to renovate it to suite my needs.  It's small, but I can make it work.  The older I get, the more I realize - the less I have the more peace I've found.   There is LESS worry, self doubt, and anxiousness.  I'm happy.  

Life has a way of finding who you are. You are placed in trials, hardships, tests through your life.  How you come out of these trials, builds who you are.  It defines us.  It makes you travel the paths you were meant to travel.  

Find your path my friends.  Do what makes you happy. Play loudly into the night. Do not let your candle flicker,  throw gasoline on it and let it burn.  We have this one life.  Stay thirsty and fight for your goals.  Kick scratch and claw, you'll get there.  Don't ever give up. 

And always, God bless!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Lynn Neuman Gallery

Opening weekend!   Just dropped off a few sculptures. Come on down and check out the art.  Gorgeous paintings by Lynn Neuman to metal sculpture.  Something for everyone!

I've been showcasing my metal sculpture here for a few years. I'm excited to continue this year!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Russell Rocket Stove

Rocket stoves have been around for a long while.  I went ahead with a large prototype build recently.  It burns hot and is very efficient.  It takes a few minutes to fire it up using twig biomass or kindling. The feed tube is set at a 45 degree angle and is self feeding.  They call these a rocket stove, because of the rocket sound it emits from the tube when it gets going.  

I plan to build these in a smaller design for camping and ease of use.  I will update as they are completed.    If interested in your own rocket stove, give me a yell.

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Looking ahead

Hello all!  I haven't written in a long time!  My apologies.  I've moved my studio to Grand Haven, and have spent much of last fall and this winter setting it up.
 I'm looking forward to upcoming year.  Though last year I closed shop early on the markets and shows, I plan on ramping it up this year.  You can find me on Saturdays at the Holland Farmers Markets.    Come on down and check out the unique sculptures this year.  I have a few other shows coming up, and will share the details at a later date.  Many Thanks to all my art lovers who enjoy the sculptures as much as I do!