Metal Image Design

Metal Image Design

Monday, July 6, 2020

   It’s 2020.  It’s been a Long minute since I’ve posted anything on this blog.  I plan to do better.  I took a couple years off from making metal art.  I focused on family.  Family is the forefront of my life. Without them,  I wouldn’t be who I am today.

   I’m excited for the next chapter of my metal art career. I plan on bigger projects catering to the clients personal space in their homes, gardens and yards. If there’s a space you are looking at that needs a pick me up,  shoot me a text or email.  I’d love to talk about your space and propose some concepts and quote you your own personal metal sculpts.

   Take a look around this blog and check out and like my Facebook page:  Metal Image Design-Joshua Russell.  If love to connect with you and converse on your needs. Thanks!  Have a blessed day!