Metal Image Design

Metal Image Design

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Find yourself

Your peace and happiness lays just beneath the surface.  Sometimes the walk through the beginning of your life is blind.  You walk thinking you know where you are going, what your life is meant to be, and how it is going to end up.  At points, we all have gotten that rug pulled out from underneath us.   

It's at that point you see the light.  You find what has been locked up behind several doors and cloaked in darkness.  Happiness is the ability to find your freedom, to be alone and be perfectly happy with it, to find your passion that drives you each day.  Our lives are sometimes spent wandering.  When we find our compass it becomes clear as day.  What layed below the surface in darkness was made to be seen, like looking down through clear ice.  Find your happiness and you will find your peace.  

~Deep thoughts with Joshua Russell