Metal Image Design

Metal Image Design

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Home Studio

There's something about your childhood home that brings back the best memories.  I sit here listening to the birds and the frogs in the creek below and I am at peace.  
I moved my studio into the old barn at my mom's house last fall.  I'm continuing to renovate it to suite my needs.  It's small, but I can make it work.  The older I get, the more I realize - the less I have the more peace I've found.   There is LESS worry, self doubt, and anxiousness.  I'm happy.  

Life has a way of finding who you are. You are placed in trials, hardships, tests through your life.  How you come out of these trials, builds who you are.  It defines us.  It makes you travel the paths you were meant to travel.  

Find your path my friends.  Do what makes you happy. Play loudly into the night. Do not let your candle flicker,  throw gasoline on it and let it burn.  We have this one life.  Stay thirsty and fight for your goals.  Kick scratch and claw, you'll get there.  Don't ever give up. 

And always, God bless!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Lynn Neuman Gallery

Opening weekend!   Just dropped off a few sculptures. Come on down and check out the art.  Gorgeous paintings by Lynn Neuman to metal sculpture.  Something for everyone!

I've been showcasing my metal sculpture here for a few years. I'm excited to continue this year!