Metal Image Design

Metal Image Design

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year - 2009

Well, it's a new year. My wish for all of my friends, family and anyone that may have fallen across this page is that you all have a prosperous new year, filled with happiness and love - and all the fluffy stuff that comes with it!

2008 was a hectic year for me. The Holland Farmer's market kept me busy throughout the year. For anyone who may not know me well enough, you can find me at the Holland Farmer's Market on Saturdays May through December selling my art. It's been an awesome outlet for me. I think one of the most exciting aspects of it has been meeting all the cool people.

Working full time and producing metal art as a side business is challenging in itself. Add a wife and two children in the mix and you've got a recipe that I call, "controlled chaos". That's right, I have a degree in time management and damage control. At times I feel pushed and pulled in so many directions. I love my work, but more importantly I love my family. Sometimes it's necessary to take a step back and reassess what's important to you. Family for me has always come first.

Life is good - more later.

Squirrel Feeder

There's something fascinating about these little critters. I love watching them. Last year I created some cornstalk squirrel feeders. They are a fun and unique way to feed the squirrels. I guess you could consider it art too.

Long live the squirrel.